March 26
Weyrdworks Community Doodles
Weyrdworks Community Doodles

Weyrdworks Community Doodles

Welcome to our community art contest! Everyone is welcome to join and stand a chance to get your doodle featured in our game and on our discord! Oh! If you win, you’d get a free month of Discord Nitro too!
✨Interested in joining our contest? Read Contest Rules to find out more!
Halloween 2023
Christmas 2023
Halloween 2023

Contest Rules



CHRISTMAS\mathtt{\color{white} \LARGE\textbf{\color{pink}CHRISTMAS} \\ \LARGE\textbf{}}

What is It?

The Community Stickers Parade is a chance to be a part of the Weyrdlets game. Get your doodles featured as an in-game Sticker , the community page and earn prizes!

Who Can Participate?

Anyone in the community can participate but each person can only submit one entry.

How & Where Can I Join?

Step 1 : Join our Discord
Step 2: Upload your drawing to the channel #sticker-doodle under #community-events


Winner will have their doodles featured as a Sticker in our upcoming game, Weyrdlets.
Winning doodle will also be turned into a sticker on our community Discord channel 🙌
Winner gets one month of Discord Nitro 🤩


Start Date : Dec 6, 2023
End Date : Dec 20, 2023

Rules & Regulations

Draw a doodle of anything related to the current theme.
The doodle and initials cannot contain anything related to offensive remarks about a person’s or a group’s identity such as: gender, race, sexuality, appearance, abilities, preferences, etc.
The doodle should be submitted in form of a PNG file.
All doodles should be uploaded to the #sticker-doodle channel.
When uploading the doodle, include your name in text so we know who the artist is.
All discord members can vote for their favourite doodle in the channel with the ❤️ reaction.
Voting period ends on the 20th Dec 2023, 11.59pm GMT+8.
Top 5 doodles (doodles with most votes) will be chosen by the community.
Among the top 5, one doodle will be picked by our Weyrdworkers as the winner🥳
The winner will be announced on the 22nd Dec 2023.

Doodle Example

notion image

Submission Specifications

File Type
2048 x 2048
Join the fun now ➡️


By submitting your original artwork (like photos, videos, or text) to Weyrdworks Productions Sdn Bhd, you agree that they and anyone acting on their behalf can feature your submission in various ways, like printing, publishing, broadcasting, and distributing it in any media, anywhere in the world, forever. They can use your entry, name, picture, voice, and other information for things like news, advertising, and promotion without needing your permission or paying you money. When you submit your work, you promise that it's your own creation and doesn't violate anyone else's rights. If it does, Weyrdworks Productions Sdn Bhd can disqualify you. If someone claims your submission infringes on their rights, you have to deal with the issue and cover any costs Weyrdworks Productions Sdn Bhd might face because of it. You have to protect them from any legal trouble related to your submission. If drawing does not comply to rules and regulation, drawing will be disqualified from the contest. No artwork will not be used to generate any profit for Weyrdworks Productions Sdn Bhd.
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