Warpods 1.2.7p3 Open Beta Release Notes
- FeedbackMailer: Can now be invoked by holding down 3 fingers for 3 seconds (For Emergencies). Slowly hold down one finger at a time for Android
- Shop: Rebalanced coin amount
- KTPlay: Updated to 4.4 for age verification
- FeedbackMailer: Now includes KTPlay account name for faster support
- Leaderboard: Now always loads top 100 with player focused
- Mailbox: Now checks mail properly
- Notification: Fixed interaction issue with notifications
- CombatMask: Fixed offsets
- Super: Fixed double super on end game previously progressing game twice
- New Hero: Shade
- Flubbs now requires Slimy Stuff to rank up beyond Level 40
- All Epic and Legendary WarPods no longer require Silver or Gold Stuff to rank up
- Stat Reworks: Military Madness's Burn Troopers
- Stat Reworks: Military Madness's Helly
- Stat Reworks: Military Madness's Peekaboom
- Stat Reworks: The Thinkerer's Magma Bots
- Stat Reworks: The Thinkerer's Hot Head
- Elemental Weaknesses: Increased weaknesses of most enemies